Individual Members (549)
Western Governors University ,
Christina Abernathy ,
Kathleen Adler ,
Ladan Afrasiabi ,
Jennie Aguirre ,
Theresa Alafita ,
Emory Allen ,
Robert Allison ,
Jemal Alston ,
David Ammons ,
Chris Anderson ,
Dianna Anderson ,
Heidi Anderson ,
Rebekah Anderson ,
Lee Angel ,
Mirtha Ansoleaga ,
Russell A. Arenz III ,
Steven Argiento ,
Ryan Arp ,
John Astras ,
Judy Austin ,
Alex Avalos ,
Kristen Bahadori ,
Brenda Bailey ,
Mieshia Baker-Dunn ,
Andre Baksh ,
Chris Balbag ,
Behroz Baraghoshi ,
Chelsea Barrett ,
Gay Barrett ,
Rob Barton ,
Jennifer Bauchner ,
James Bayliff ,
Odai Baylor ,
Amy Beck ,
Lloyd Beckles ,
Cory Bedingfield ,
Pamela Beidler ,
Ronnie Bell ,
Jackie Benson ,
Travis Berghoff ,
Jill Bertram ,
Curtis Beverley ,
Jessica Bivens ,
Sarah Bizzaro ,
Matishia N. Bland ,
Amanda Blekes Nadohou ,
Chris Blystone ,
Casey Borch ,
Andrew Borg ,
Joanne Borish ,
Mohamed Boudalia ,
Ann Bowen ,
Lindsay Box ,
Kathy Bradbury ,
Mark Brady ,
Brett Bringhurst ,
Suzanne Brock ,
Portia Brown ,
Mindy Brubaker ,
Alan Bruce ,
Amanda Buchanan ,
Buck Buchanan ,
Arnetta Burrell ,
Antonette Burroughs ,
Jennifer Burzynski ,
Lu Trenze Butcher-Mitchell ,
Marcia Buzzella ,
Delanda Byars ,
Sandy Calhoun ,
Peter Campbell ,
Cheryce Campbell-Davis ,
Justin Canul ,
Kristen Card ,
Racquel Carew ,
Karla Carmona ,
Megan Carpenter ,
Michael Carr ,
Alesia Carter ,
John Carter ,
Ken Cassell ,
Patricia Cherry ,
Eric Chinn ,
Janie Chromcak ,
Ronald Cimo ,
Allison Clark ,
Casey Clark ,
Franda Clay ,
Ashley Clay-Long ,
Dana Coe ,
Charisse Colbert ,
Harold Cole ,
Laurie Conklin ,
Martin Connor ,
Austin Cook ,
Brad Cook ,
Chevon Cook ,
Clare Cooper ,
Mary Ann Cooper ,
Crystal Coopman ,
Regina Cousar ,
Joshua Crane ,
Stephanie Crenshaw ,
Ted Cross ,
Dede Crowley ,
Danielle Crownover ,
Janelle Custard ,
Rebecca Dale ,
Kimberlee Dance ,
Frank D'Angelo ,
Elisa Davidson ,
Ryan Davies ,
Lorretta Davis ,
Mary Jo Davis ,
Rick Davis ,
LynnAnn Day ,
Dawn Deaton ,
Jean Delao ,
Erika DeLaRosa ,
Debra Denham ,
Joanne Deville ,
Christine Dickinson ,
Denelle Dively - Van Osten ,
Mike Dodge ,
Andy Doren ,
Angela Dorrough-Adamson ,
Danielle Draughan ,
Ashley Dugger ,
Briana Dukas ,
Dawn Duke ,
Ann Duncan ,
Stephanie Dunston ,
Anthony Duran ,
Michael Duzy ,
Shar Dyer ,
Janice Edwards-Jackson ,
Shandon Eguchi ,
Shareah Elbert Ajogbor ,
Kristin Eller ,
Sherry Ellis ,
Erica Ennis ,
Sharron Farley ,
Laura Farmer ,
Diana Fay-Spina ,
Krista Fells ,
Bruce Ferber ,
Amanda Fernandez ,
Jason Fiano ,
Rarkimm Fields ,
Julie Fikac ,
Donna Flamion ,
Sheryl Fleming ,
Ashley Flynn ,
Lisa Flynn ,
Christine Fonner ,
Holly Foster-Burleson ,
Kate Fox ,
Norma Franciosa ,
Jim Franklin ,
Vincent Franklin ,
Lloyd Fraser ,
Mitsu Frasier ,
M. J. Gallo ,
Erica Gamble ,
Jennifer Garland ,
Cathy Garlington ,
Sherry Gassaway ,
Debra Gates ,
Cyndee Gillen ,
Patrick Gilson ,
Bianca Gilyot ,
Chelsea Glasscock ,
Brian Goegan ,
Christy Golden ,
Seth Golla ,
Armando Gonzales ,
Jeff Goodrich ,
Kregg Gose ,
Anita Grady ,
Dolores Grady ,
Alisa Graham ,
Lorraine Grandinetti ,
Alicia Grant ,
Julie Grau ,
Chanel Greene ,
Debi Gresham ,
Mary Griffy ,
Candice Grillo ,
Shelly Grindstaff ,
Penny Griswold ,
Denise Gruener ,
Chrissy Gunderson ,
Mary Gwyn ,
Sofia Habib ,
Jo Hackenbracht ,
Khirstin Hadley ,
Jess Haggerty ,
Dustin Halterman ,
Erica Hamilton ,
Jevaun Hamilton ,
Lori Hansen ,
Rod Hansen ,
Melissa Hargrave ,
Linda Harmes ,
Nikki Harrington ,
James Harrison ,
Jamie Hart ,
Courtney Hartford ,
Chris Hartig ,
Monica Hartman ,
Jerry Hartzog ,
Marija Haskic ,
David Hassen ,
Mike Haverty ,
Buddy Havins ,
Amanda Hawkins ,
Ed Haynes ,
Derrick Haywood ,
Kim Haywood ,
Savoni Haywood ,
Sarah Hazelton ,
Gary Heiligenthal ,
Robert Heinzman ,
Rod Hewlett ,
Selena Heyward ,
Chris Hildreth ,
Jacqueline Hill ,
Jerry Hillis ,
Aaron Himelson ,
Keonie Hollingsworth ,
Ali Holmes ,
Lisa Holmes ,
Robin Holt ,
Charlie Hon ,
Natalie Hoover ,
Michael Hornberger ,
Molly Hoyle ,
Brandi Hudson ,
Kelli Hudson ,
Carlyn Huffman ,
Finas Hughes ,
Myranda Hughes-Piche ,
Lenore Huskey ,
Mack Hyde ,
Brian Iannucci ,
Paul Imboden ,
Rocky Jacchino ,
Ausha Jackson ,
Cidquita Jackson ,
Evan Jackson ,
Buz Jacobson ,
Henry James ,
Favian January ,
Jim Jividen ,
Janice Johnson ,
JanLe Johnson ,
Lesia Johnson ,
Lillian Johnson ,
Chad Jolley ,
Alan Jones ,
Anthony Jones ,
Arcola Jones ,
Audrey Jones ,
Katie Joseph ,
Caroline Juedes ,
Chantel Julander ,
Jeanne Justice ,
Mrinalini Kale ,
Rochelle Kamont ,
Lucas B. Kavlie CCEP ,
Kevin Kays ,
Ashley Kelley ,
Venus Kelly ,
Ricky Kendrick ,
Aftab Khokher ,
Jerry Kidd ,
April Kinchen ,
Heather Knight ,
Mary Kohlfeld ,
Desiree Kornrum-Byrne ,
Niki Kroeger ,
Rachel Krueger ,
Holly Kunkle ,
Mindy Kushniroff ,
Michelle Labbe ,
Stephanie Lafollette ,
Harold Lagroue ,
James Lance ,
Kellie Landry ,
Jennifer Lane ,
Shawn Latimer ,
Ashley LaVergne ,
Ann Leary ,
Maureen Leary ,
Bob Lee ,
Michelle Lehmann ,
Drew Leon ,
Dee Leonard ,
John Leschke ,
Dianne Leshinski ,
Michele Lewellen ,
Shari Libett ,
Rita Light ,
Alexis Lim ,
Jen Liptrap ,
Jeremy Little ,
Christine Logue-Myers ,
Mark Lomas ,
Char London Williams ,
Celeste Loria ,
Michelle Love ,
Jamie Loveland ,
Vicki Lutter-Cooper ,
Ann Mackin ,
Jametta Magwood-Golston ,
Sara Mandelbaum ,
Tanya Manning-Ames ,
Karen Marsh ,
R. J. Mathis ,
Lauren McCarty ,
Jim McCleskey ,
Jennifer McCracken ,
Bill McDaniel ,
Carol McDannell ,
Darin McDugle ,
Pamela McIlwain ,
Christina McKay ,
Kaki McKevitt ,
Elizabeth McKinney ,
Destiny McNair ,
Donnis McPhaul ,
Shayla Meek ,
SheMell Meggett ,
Kyri Melancon ,
Becky Melton ,
Kara Mendoza ,
Sylnovie Merchant ,
Shardae Mews ,
Elin Meyer ,
Jamie Milazzo-Jaliwala ,
Lori Miller ,
Mike Miller ,
Natasha Miller ,
Tate Miller ,
Colleen Mills ,
Amber Mitchell ,
Jill Mitchell ,
Michael Mitchell ,
Dennis Mitterer ,
Lisa Moeller ,
Detria Moore ,
Priscilla Moore ,
Ron Moore ,
G. K. Morell ,
Patricia Morgan ,
Christina Moubarak ,
Sara Murphy ,
Alex Neely ,
Linda Nelms ,
Christine Nguyen ,
Aleece Nichols ,
Laura Nicolet ,
Noel Niehaus ,
Lesley Norte ,
Jason Norton ,
Leslie Noyes ,
Nnamdi Nwankwo ,
Erik Nystrom ,
Joseph O'Brien ,
Terri O'Neill ,
Lorinda Orozco ,
Katie Otterness ,
Dwobeng Owusu ,
Bryan Oxley ,
Sherrie Pafford ,
Lyda Paragoso ,
Bree Parente ,
Serena Parker ,
Stacy Parnell ,
Carla Pastore ,
Amit Patel ,
Julie Patterson ,
Tereesha Patterson ,
Joe Peltier ,
Jason Penland ,
Staley Perez ,
Joy Perry ,
Patti Phillips ,
Marilyn Pickering ,
Christina Pinard ,
Tony Pineda ,
Dar Place ,
Tricia Polley-Culberth ,
Jason Porter ,
Walfyette Powell ,
Kellie Prater ,
Desiree Pratt ,
Alan Preizer ,
Melissa Prentice ,
Melody Priebe ,
Sharon Priest ,
Christopher Primm ,
John Prince ,
Lisa Pringle ,
Anna Quilter ,
Lina Rahal ,
Mandy Rasmuson ,
Jerry Rasmussen ,
Mike Ray ,
Robbie Ray ,
Edward Reilly ,
Marie Reymore ,
Noel Reynolds ,
Mary Kate Riccardi ,
Martinetta Richardson ,
Bernie Riggle ,
Bob Rinquest ,
Tracia Roberts ,
Wade Roberts ,
Stephanie Robinson ,
Joan Rodgers ,
Luverna Rodney ,
Ashlie Roeder ,
Esly Rogers ,
Katie Rogers ,
Michelle Rosas ,
Derrick Ross ,
Sheila Rotelli ,
Liz Ruegg ,
Gene Russell ,
Stacey Russell ,
Shelly Russnak ,
Saudah Sabuur-Edwards ,
JoDee Salisbury ,
Imm Sam ,
Frank SanPietro ,
Kathryn Santiago ,
Gauri Sawant ,
Janaina Scannell ,
Andrea Scevoli ,
Shawn Schaeffer ,
Joel Scherer ,
Misty Schmidt ,
Matt Scholl ,
Rachel Schuck ,
Crystal Schwalger ,
Kevin Scully ,
Kimberly Sebastian ,
Michelle Seghini ,
Marley Sengkhammee ,
Nate Sexton ,
Rob Shah ,
Darnetta Sharpe ,
Karen Shaw ,
Kandice Shelton ,
Tracie Shepherd ,
Carl Sidney ,
Laurynn Sillimon ,
Amanda Simmons ,
Margaret Simonis ,
Lynn Simpson ,
Sandra Sjoberg ,
Susan Skinner ,
Anastasia Smith ,
Lindsay Smith ,
Rich Smith ,
Dawna Snipes ,
Jock M. Sommese ,
Michele Souder ,
Jennie Sowers ,
Karen Sparks ,
Beth Spears ,
Florence Spencer ,
Daniele Spivey-Sorrells ,
Leigh Squires ,
Cristy Stanton ,
Jason Steege ,
Nikila Stevens ,
Donice Stimeare ,
Kristin Stoudemire ,
Cameron Straatsma ,
Cynthia Strickland ,
Aimee Styers ,
Jennifer Sullivan ,
Aneesah Sultan ,
Nanette Swarthout ,
John Swineford ,
Beth Tankovich ,
Sonya Taylor ,
Ashley Tennessee ,
Dedra Thomas ,
Jamie Thomas ,
Chris Thompson ,
Eric Thompson ,
Lynda Thompson ,
Michelle Thompson ,
Courtney Thornton ,
Audrey Thrash ,
Ray Tiyamiyu ,
Leslie Toller ,
Karen Toney Brown ,
Goran Trajkovski ,
Kristy Trinidad ,
Madonna Tritle ,
Barbara Tucker ,
Jill Tucker ,
Kaymarie Tyrell ,
Maria Uttaro ,
Emilia Valle ,
Sankaran Venkateswar ,
Maria Vera ,
Jaime Vivalo ,
Keith Wade ,
Roblena Walker ,
Ginny Wallace ,
Xiaofei Wang ,
Candace Ward ,
Deborah Ward ,
Brittani Wardell ,
Devin Warnsley ,
Glenda Warren ,
Carolyn Warsco ,
Andrea Wasilewski ,
Dezi Waterhouse ,
Kelly Weber ,
Ryan Weeda ,
Laurel Weeks ,
Robin Weisshaar ,
Linda Wendling ,
Shelley West ,
Jen White ,
Lindsay White ,
Daniel Whitford ,
Sarah Wilhelm ,
Nicholas Wilkinson ,
Sandra Willet ,
Andrea Williams ,
Christina Williams ,
Claudia Williams ,
Peg Williams ,
Rian Williams ,
Stacy Williams ,
Tiffany Winston ,
Kristen Wolfe ,
Rob Wood ,
Dawn Wright ,
Jerry Zermeno ,
Beth Zonghetti ,
Amy Zordan
About This Member
Billing Address: Western Governors University 4001 South 700 East, Suite 700 Salt Lake City, Utah 84107 Institution Type: Bacc/Grad Degree Institution Classification: Private - Non-Profit Business School Website: Accreditation Status: Yes Accreditation Category: A - Fully Accredited Year Initially Accredited (Bacc./Grad.): 2018 Term of Accreditation: 10 Years Separate Accounting Accreditation?: No Champion: Lucas Kavlie Champion Title: Vice President - Academic Engagement ENACTUS Team: No Basis for Decision: Basis for Decision/Program CommentsStrengths (10)Criterion 1.2 As stated in the institutional overview, 70% of the business unit's students are from federally defined undeserved populations. This provides evidence of the university's commitment to social responsibility. Categories: Approach Verified: This Strength was verified on site. The university has implemented a Responsible Borrowing Initiative that has resulted in reducing the average student debt by 41%. Additionally, the university's 3-year student loan default rate is only 4.6% (compared to the national average of 11.5%). This proactive step is a best in class social responsibility element in today's environment where the public and government are increasingly demanding better fiscal responsibility in higher education. Categories: Results Verified: This Strength was verified on site. The unit is a technological leader in academic integrity. Web crawlers are deployed to assure that the unit's assessment measures (exams, papers, etc.) are not compromised elsewhere on the web. Proctoring software tracks sound and eye movements and immediately stops examinations when suspicious activity is detected. Plagiarism detection software is employed. The direct weekly interaction from both faculty and program mentors results in strong social pressure to maintain ethical standards. These best in class practices result in low incidence rates of academic integrity violations. Categories: Approach, Deployment, Results Verified: This Strength was verified on site.Criterion 2.1 The unit employs a data driven approach to strategic planning. Bi-weekly dashboards, frequent meetings with key leaders, and broad stakeholder involvement (e.g. faculty participation, industry scanning, and student/alumni feedback) result in a best in class approach. Categories: Approach, Deployment Verified: This Strength was verified on site.Criterion 3.3 The Quarterly Business Review is a robust document that gives a clear pathway for future improvements. The program outlines specific concerns and actions. This allows for the QBR to be the driving force behind program improvements and follow-up to ensure those updates are working. Categories: Approach, Deployment, Results, Improvements Verified: This Strength was verified on site.Criterion 3.5 The business unit has a high touch process with students that are part of their retention strategy. In addition to multiple touch points through the student's course of study from a university perspective, the university also offers life counseling and support through third party vendors. Categories: Deployment Verified: This Strength was verified on site.Criterion 3.7 The business unit has the highest "very satisfied" score from students when compared to other units at the university suggesting high levels of student satisfaction. Categories: ResultsCriterion 4.4 The business unit has a robust continuous improvement process for its individual course and program level assessments. The process includes intensive, data driven information, which informs course level and program level changes. The unit ensures that all stakeholders come together to drive program and course level improvements. Categories: Results, Improvements Verified: This Strength was verified on site.Criterion 5.7 The business unit has a notable strength with training videos on a variety of skill areas. Weekly team meetings with a mix of new and seasoned course mentors allows for informal exchange and mentoring at a unit level. Categories: Deployment Verified: This Strength was verified on site.Criterion 6.1.1 ADDIE process model documentation is detailed and explanatory. This leads to a best in class approach to educational design and delivery. Categories: Approach, Deployment, Results, Improvements Verified: This Strength was verified on site.Opportunities for Improvement (OFI) (7)Criterion 3.2 Although the unit does a good job listening to the alumni as part of its assessment process, it could better leverage alumni relationships for fundraising, job placement, and recruiting. Categories: ApproachCriterion 4.1 Although the unit has some forms of external data (for example CPA pass rates) the unit may benefit from a broader external assessment. A broader, more comprehensive approach may help the unit understand its student learning outcome performance in the context of peers and benchmarks and provide additional external validation of their student learning outcomes. Categories: Approach, Deployment, Results Verified: This OFI was verified on site.Criterion 4.2 The business unit primarily uses course grades (i.e. the passing of the course via a competency measure) in its assessments to drive assessment practice. Although the "course grades" are a direct result of competency exams, the unit may consider adding external assessment measures to strengthen its student learning assessment process. The unit may also consider offering applied assignments/assessments (such as internships, co-ops, and/or service learning) as a way of further strengthening its assessment methods. Categories: Approach Verified: This OFI was verified on site.Criterion 4.3 Though the university provides a unique competency based model, the business unit may benefit from comparison with other schools' practices which inform continuous improvement. External comparison data may help the unit to have a better understanding of its competitors and benchmark institutions leading to even stronger strategic planning. Categories: Approach, Deployment, Results, Improvements Verified: This OFI was verified on site.Criterion 5.3 The documentation described the number of hours being carried by full- and part-time faculty. The unit may consider clarifying how the workload of course instructors impacts the students. It could helpful to clearly state and formalize what constitutes a full load in order to ensure individuals are being used to their maximum effectiveness and not being over or under utilized. Categories: Approach, Deployment Verified: This OFI was verified on site.Criterion 5.4 The business unit's unique team-based approach on how instructors interface with their students does not lend itself to the traditional course load metric. It was stated that ""Workload is calculated and distributed according to student success metrics rather than through omnibus policy." The unit may consider developing a tracking mechanism that more clearly shows faculty deployment across programs. Categories: Approach Verified: This OFI was verified on site.Criterion 5.8 In the meeting with the VP of Academic operations, it was indicated that opportunities and funding exist for professional development. However, interviews with the faculty suggests low awareness of these opportunities. The unit may consider increasing awareness of these opportunities for course instructors and program mentors to strengthen their scholarly activity. Categories: Approach Verified: This OFI was verified on site.© 2020 ACBSP. All rights reserved.Powered by Campus Labs