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VIT University - Business School
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Last updated: 11/5/2024
VIT University - Business School
Member Institutions by Region -- ACBSP Regions: South Asia Council - Region 10
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VIT University - Business School
Katpadi - Tiruvalam Road Vellore
Tamil Nadu
632 014  India
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91-416-220-2707 (Phone)
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  Bacc/Grad Degree
  P - Probationary Status
  1 Year
  Dr. V. V. Gopal
  Dr. A. Sivakumar
  Basis for the decision/program commentsStandard 1: LeadershipVIT Business School has strong leadership and well defined vision and mission. The Chancellor of the institute is a visionary leader with a pure passion for education. His passion has been transferred from the top management to the Vice Chancellor, Dean, faculty and the students. The Vice Chancellor and both the Deans are highly competent leaders, who truly believe in excellence in education. There is a strong sense among students, faculty, alumni, and other stakeholders that the top leadership of the institution is very supportive of institution’s advancement and has led the faculty, staff and students to take pride of their affiliation with the institution. They are extremely loyal to the leadership of the institution and they are willing to give back to the institution in many ways.Categories: Approach, Deployment, Results, ImprovementsVerified: This Strength was verified on site.Criterion 2.2Criterion 2.2.bThe institution has a systematic process for developing its strategic plan. This process includes the development of strategic goals and supporting objectives for the VITBS. Each strategic objective has its corresponding action plan. The VITBS strategic planning process includes a systematic approach to the implementation of the action plans necessary to achieve the strategic goals. One of the visible outcome of 2016-21 strategic plan is reflected in achieving the strategic goal i.e. learner centered introducing state of the art digital technology, facilities and services in academic delivery, knowledge resources, conduct of examination system, monitoring student progress and maintaining academic integrity. Categories: Approach, Deployment, Results, ImprovementsVerified: This Strength was verified on site.Standard 3: Student and Stakeholder FocusVITBS has an established process of collecting information, and pursue common purpose, and receive complaints from students and stakeholders as detailed in the School’s Self Study and verified during site visit. The academic atmosphere of the School appears positive and vibrant that encourages students to voice their concerns.The students highly rate their courses, faculty and administration. VITBS has clearly identified the student segments for its educational programs. The School has also measured and analyzed the composition of the three cohorts admitted in the academic sessions, 2015-17, 2016-18 and 2017-19. The analysis includes information about the student’s undergraduate degree, home State, age, work experience and gender for both the main campus in Vellore and the branch campus in Chennai. Categories: Approach, Deployment, ResultsVerified: This Strength was verified on site.Standard 4: Measurement and Analysis of Student Learning and PerformanceVITBS has developed program learning objectives for its MBA program, student learning outcomes for each course, course mapping, and identified associated measurement artifact or activity through a collaborative process that engaged the assessment committee along with faculty members. The course map confirmed the scope of assessment activities at formative level. VITBS has presented 4 consecutive sets of comparative data across course cycles which established formative program learning trends.Categories: Approach, Deployment, ResultsVerified: This Strength was verified on site.Standard 5: Faculty and Staff FocusVITBS has an excellent team of faculty members with credentials that meet program objectives. The faculty members have demonstrable evidence of quality teaching, scholarly publications, achievements in community services and international exposure. They are evaluated based on defined criteria and rewarded for meeting performance objectives. Faculty members appear enthusiastic, motivated, familiar with ACBSP Standards and committed to providing quality relevant education and continuous improvement. VITBS has clear policies that provide opportunities for faculty development to ensure scholarly productivity.Categories: Approach, DeploymentVerified: This Strength was verified on site.Standard 6: Educational and Business Process ManagementVITBS demonstrated evidence of effective management of its key business operation processes and educational management systems. The introduction of trimester and fully flexible credit system, and curriculum for applied learning, digitalized examination system, social sensitization and opportunities for placement and job oriented training have provided strong foundations for student success in the industry. The continuous improvements in academic design and delivery have been reflected in the quality of student placements. Categories: Approach, DeploymentVerified: This Strength was verified on site.Opportunities for Improvement (OFI) (9)Organizational ChallengesVIT Business School relies on VIT University to manage all its operations, facilities and student support services, including training and placement activities and examinations. The Business School has certain specific needs that is different from the University at large. Therefore, with the mobilization of more resources and increase in revenue from sources, other than student fees, the School may be able to independently manage its operations. This will enhance the visibility and brand building of VITBS. Categories: Approach, DeploymentVerified: This OFI was verified on site.Criterion 2.1The strategic planning approach is in an early stage of existence. The strategic development priorities for the period 2016-20 are evident. Action planning, implementation, measurement and analysis of outcomes and implementation of the results for further improving the academic process and systems may help VITBS in achieving its strategic objectives. A specific HR plan for the Business School aligning to the strategic plan could further strengthen the faculty resources leading to quality academic delivery. Categories: Approach, DeploymentVerified: This OFI was verified on site.Standard 3: Student and Stakeholder FocusAlthough the Institution has formal processes in place for collecting, organizing and analyzing feedback from key stakeholders such as employers, alumni, donors, other schools, communities, "parents" as one of the key stakeholder is omitted. While India has one of the lowest female participation rates as compared to other countries in MBA enrollment, the School may benefit by taking initiatives in encouraging more female enrollment in their MBA program to maintain appropriate gender diversity.Categories: Approach, DeploymentVerified: This OFI was verified on site.Criterion 4.2While VITBS offers a general MBA, it was sighted in their university MBA brochure that they do have a specialization option to complete electives from one particular area of study. VITBS as per ACBSP requirement of competency measurement for 12 credits or more in the same area of subject matter, should consider developing separate SLO's for each area of specialization to depict a better interpretation of the student learning trends in each field more clearly.Categories: ApproachVerified: This OFI was verified on site.Criterion 4.3Meeting external bench marking is a challenge in terms of comparable data from institutions in India on student learning outcomes. With the increasing engagement of other Indian Business Schools in accreditation, there is an opportunity to gain important bench marking partners to more effectively standardize student achievements on an International scale to support VITBS's efforts. However, it is pertinent to note that VITBS has been making efforts to compare its student learning outcomes internally across time. External benchmarking of its performance with top B-schools of India in various parameters will help in identifying strengths and opportunities for improvement and assist in becoming a national player in business education.Categories: Approach, DeploymentVerified: This OFI was verified on site.Standard 5: Faculty and Staff FocusWhile the VITBS campus at Vellore has facilities appropriate for grooming the future industry leaders, the quality of office accommodation provided to the Business School faculty members could be improved. The atmosphere projected due to visible overcrowding associated with lifts in the building that houses the Business School does not seem to be consistent with that of VITBS. Reviewing the current facilities and making needed improvements may foster an atmosphere conducive to preparation of superior teaching, learning and scholarly outcomes.Categories: Approach, DeploymentVerified: This OFI was verified on site.VITBS Chennai.The work load distribution of faculty members of VITBS looks very progressive. However, discussion with faculty members of Chennai campus revealed the view that some faculty members are engaged in teaching more the 12 hours per week described as the maximum in the Self Study. There exists an opportunity to increase Chennai faculty participation in designing curriculum and determining course options. VITBS has an opportunity to review the existing policies and may choose to adopt a different approach to benefit the faculty members of Chennai campus in academic delivery.Categories: Approach, DeploymentVerified: This OFI was verified on site.Criterion 6.3.1Although, the institution has an effective and systematic approach to student enrollment and placement, an opportunity exists to more frequently update its MBA aspirants admission eligibility throughout the year on the school website.Categories: Approach, DeploymentVerified: This OFI was verified on site.Criterion 6.3.5While VITBS web site is excellent, an opportunity exists to promote facts about the value or pay-off of the academic programs offered and the quality of employment prospects provided to the graduates of the said programs.This appeared to be confirmed in conversation with various stakeholders and among those students in particular, who suggested that their decision to seek admission to VITBS was based on recommendations from friends and family members. Promotion on the website may help VITBS in improving the quality of students, this in turn will enhance the teaching learning process.