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Salary Survey

In 2012, ACBSP launched its first ever Salary Survey under the direction of the Member Relations Committee. The goal was to provide a new level of service for our members. After 2014, it was decided that the Salary Survey will be conducted biennially.

2017-18 Salary Survey
The 2017-18 version of the salary survey was administered and is summarized by Dr. Jeffrey Buck of Purdue University Global, and Dr. Terry Truitt of Anderson University (Indiana). We are grateful for their continued support of this valuable member benefit.

Like the previous iteration, the 2017-18 survey collected and reported information on members from the United States only. Only ACBSP members from the United States in Regions 1-7 were asked to participate.

The Summary Report of the 2017-18 Salary Survey reports details regarding salaries for administrative personnel, faculty, and adjunct faculty at ACBSP member institutions. It is a protected document accessible only by members who are signed-in to It is available for download using the following link.

2017-2018 ACBSP Salary Survey - Summary Report--PDF

Members wishing to purchase the full dataset should contact

2015-16 Salary Survey
The 2015-16 ACBSP Salary Survey was designed and executed by Mr. Matthew Sweet, Director of Academic Services and Assessment, for the School of Business at Lincoln Memorial University. We are grateful for his continued support of this valuable member benefit.

Like the previous iteration, the 2015-16 survey collected and reported information on members from the United States only. Only ACBSP members from the United States in Regions 1-7 were asked to participate.

The Executive Summary of the 2014-15 Salary Survey reports details regarding salaries for administrative personnel, faculty, and adjunct faculty at ACBSP member institutions. It is a protected document accessible only by members who are signed-in to It is available for download using the following link.

2014-2015 ACBSP Salary Survey Executive Summary--PDF

Members wishing to purchase the full dataset should contact

2013-14 Salary Survey
The 2013-14 ACBSP Salary Survey was again designed and executed by Dr. Jack McCann, Dean of the School of Business, and Mr. Matthew Sweet, Director of Academic Services and Assessment, for the School of Business at Lincoln Memorial University. We are grateful for their continued support of this valuable member benefit.

Unlike the 2012-13 Salary Survey, the 2013-14 survey collected and reported information on members from the United States only, not all 10 geographic regions. This is a result of our experience in 2012-13 with low participation and currency calculations by members outside the U.S.

The Executive Summary of the 2013-14 Salary Survey reports details regarding salaries for administrative personnel, faculty, and adjunct faculty at ACBSP member institutions. It is a protected document accessible only by members who are signed-in to It is available for download using the following link.

2013-2014 ACBSP Salary Survey Executive Summary--PDF

Members can also purchase the full dataset of the salary survey results in Microsoft Excel format. The cost is $50. To order the full dataset for the 2013-14 ACBSP Salary Survey, please download the order form using the link below.

2013-2014 Salary Survey Data Order Form

2012-13 Salary Survey
The 2012-13 ACBSP Salary Survey was designed and executed by Dr. Jack McCann, Dean of the School of Business, and Mr. Matthew Sweet, Director of Academic Services and Assessment, for the School of Business at Lincoln Memorial University. The Executive Summary of the Salary Survey reported details regarding salaries for administrative personnel, faculty, and adjunct faculty at ACBSP member institutions. It included all 10 geographic regions of ACBSP. It is a protected document accessible only by members who are signed-in to It is available for download using the following link.

2012-13 ACBSP Salary Survey Executive Summary--PDF

Members can also purchase the full dataset of the salary survey results in Microsoft Excel format. The cost is $50. To order the full dataset for the 2012-13 ACBSP Salary Survey, please download the order form using the link below.

Dataset Order Form--2012-2013 Salary Survey--PDF

More Information
ACBSP encourages your feedback on all its member services initiatives. In keeping with our mission and values, we are committed to continuous improvement and welcome your comments and suggestions regarding this and future versions of the ACBSP Salary Survey. Contact us via form or call 913-339-9356 for more information or with your comments.